Regener-Eyes® has an FDA claim: To relieve dryness of the eye.
Regener-Eyes® gives a forum for people to write about their experiences with Regener-Eyes®.
We cannot substantiate these comments and do not make any further claims in regards to their opinions.



  • "Regener-Eyes has made a tremendous difference in my eyes. The painful dryness is 99% gone. Using it consistently over time is the key. I recommend it if you have painful dryness."

    Anda C.
  • "Regener-Eyes Lite is the only drop that works for my dry eyes and clears my vision. I have tried many OTC as well as prescription drops to keep my eyes moist, and these are truly the only product that has managed my dry eye syndrome very well and relieved the pain. I highly recommend Regener-Eyes Lite to anyone who is suffering with dry eye."

    Robert N.
  • “I have suffered from dry eyes and they were itchy. My vision was also affected. My doctor (recommended) Regener-Eyes Lite. I first used the drops four times a day and after a few weeks my eyes improved! Now I am able to sustain healthy eyes with only one or two drops a day. My eyes feel great and my vision has improved.”

    J. S.
  • “My vision was blurry, couldn't stand the daylight, couldn't watch tv, my eyes burned and hurt. I didn't know what was happening but knew something had to change I was miserable!! My doctor said it looked like someone used sandpaper on my eyeballs! First RX I was given didn't help. Tear duct plugs didn't help. Then I was given 3 options to try, one of which was Regener-eyes. So glad I chose those eyedrops!! They are nothing short of a miracle!!! Thanks REGENER-EYES!!!!!!”

    Kathy C.
  • "I have found this to be the best product to address severe dry eye caused by Sjogren's Syndrome. A must have!"

  • "After my ophthalmologist recommended several courses of action regarding my dry eyes with little success, he recommended that we give Regener-Eyes a try. After the first two bottles of drops, I began to see significant improvement. Needless to say I was extremely pleased with the results and have every reason to be hopeful for continued positive results. Thanks Regener-Eyes!"

    Tim A.
  • "Regener-Eyes Ophthalmic Solutions - I have had dry eyes for several years and 2 years ago I began experiencing continual SEVERE eye pain. I visited my Ophthalmologist doctor and was diagnosed with epithelial dystrophy. The recommendation of Professional Regener-Eyes using 4 times per day gave me almost immediate dry eye relief, continuing for a few weeks then gradually reducing dosage to twice per day. After a few months the recommended dosage changed to Regener-Eyes Lite twice per day for another year. Regener-Eye products and company truly made my life extremely more comfortable. Their customer service is extraordinary, very professional, compassionate, and efficient. Also, their AutoShip program is so convenient and timely."

    Sharon G.
  • I have suffered from dry eyes for 2+ years. I have Sjogren's Syndrome which makes everything dry. I have been using Regener-Eyes and recently went in for my annual checkup. Guess what? NO DRY PATCHES!!!!This is a first for me. I will continue to use Regener-Eyes. Thanks so much for making this available.

    Beth F.
1 of 8

  • “I was very impressed with the speed at which I received my first and second orders. Both arrived within 3 days of placing my order. The product after 6 weeks of use had greatly improved the condition of my corneas. My eye doctor has told me that my corneas are in the best condition she has ever seen them since treating me for dry eyes.”

    Jeffrey S.
  • "At my annual eye exam, I was told how to manage my newly diagnosed dry eye condition. I used a dry eye mask twice daily for 15 minutes each along with Regener-Eyes Lite drops as recommended, after two months the drops have tapered off to once daily, which I apply after removing my first eye mask of the day. Two and a half months later my follow up exam with tests and eyelid edge photos indicated my shattered eye surfaces are back to 100% normal and 2/3 of my glands are working at 5% where the normal would be 10%. I am to continue doing everything I have been doing until my next annual eye exam when more testing will be done. I use one drop per eye of Regener-Eyes Lite daily now. My eyes seem to drink in the drop, unlike anything I’ve ever used before and painlessly. I even have a chronic shingles eye which I use a daily FML drop plus acyclovir tablets and have had no issues with the Regener-Eyes. It’s an excellent product! when one drop Dailey does it all, that’s pretty amazing to me. I never thought I’d be using a product that had only one drop necessary daily and it works!"

    Lori H.
  • "It appears that my chronic dry eyes are under control. I have been using 4 drops/ day of Regener-Eyes as recommended by my Ophthalmologist. Dr. Minardi."

    Richard M.
  • "Great product. Has kept the corneal surface healthy upon each follow up eye exam."

    Makayla H.
  • "I have been suffering with dry eye for years and went on prescription eye drops. However, a year-and-a-half ago, my dry eye became so severe, I couldn’t even open my eyes and artificial tears and prescription drops weren’t effective anymore. I went to my eye doctor and tried several procedures that only helped a little. I didn’t know how I was going to survive the eye pain, blurry vision and depression, not to mention be able to work or drive. I thought my life as I knew it, was over. My optometrist finally sent me to an eye specialist and he recommended Pro Strength Regener-Eyes. He told me to put a drop in each eye twice a day. Within a week, my eyes were doing better. Within a month, I could drive again and go to work. Within 12 months, I barely noticed my dry eye anymore. I have my life back and I can do all the things I used to do, and even go on boats and ride my bike. I am so grateful to this company for making Pro strength Regener-eyes and giving me my life back!"

    Patrice R.
  • "I saw an improvement within a month. My Dr. Was very happy with it. Customer service is awesome! Definitely recommend this product."

    Angela B.
  • "I suffer with dry eye. I started out with Regener- Eyes Professional Strength and after about a year switched to the Lite version. This product has been a game changer for me. My dry eye condition has greatly improved. I highly recommend this product."

    Shari L.
  • "I had extremely dry eyes from a surgery I had. Regener-Eyes has helped immensely just after a short period of time."

    Maggie D.
  • "I have struggled with dry eyes for years and no amount of prescription or over the counter drops have helped until I tried Regener-Eyes. After only a few weeks of daily use, I noticed significant improvement in my dry eyes symptoms and can now work on my computer all day without the extreme discomfort I had in recent years. I am a medical doctor and am can personally attest to the benefits of Regener-Eyes on my dry eye symptoms."

    John M.
1 of 9

  • “I have been using Regener-Eyes LITE for about one year for chronic dry eye. I use drops twice a day. I started to notice a difference after a few months. At first, the eye drops feel a little weird- some very minor discomfort that only lasts a few seconds- which as time went on I did not notice anymore.

    The Regener-Eyes LITE has really helped me not constantly think about my dry eye every day. I used to have to put eye drops in every hour to prevent them from feeling gritty, blurry, and tired. It was a nuisance and prevented me from even wearing eye makeup as It would end up just running down my face.

    Now I use the Regener-Eyes LITE twice a day, an eye emollient at night, and only need drops during the day if it’s particularly dry out, excessive screen time or I’m outside on a windy day.

    I’m very happy with the progress Regener-Eyes LITE has given me!”

    Lisa T.
  • “History of dry eyes. It was gradually getting worse and Fall of 2022 was terrible. I didn’t get relief for 8 months. That was when my new eye doctor explained things with more detail and recommended Regener Eyes. Within a few weeks of using the product, my eyes started feeling relief. the watering stopped and my eyes started looking normal again. What a relief… there were mornings I could barely open my eyelids until I got some moisture to them. I don’t even want to have that happen again!”

    Nancy B.
  • “Regener-Eyes Pro has made all the difference in (helping) my 24 year long battle with chronic dry eye! My dry eye specialist Dr. Kuzas has been amazed at the lessening of my dry condition. I couldn’t recommend this product more highly! My vision has sharpened immensely! Thank you, Regener-Eyes!”

    Marsha B.
  • “My daughter, who is only 14, was diagnosed with a rare childhood dry eyes condition. Last year, she was only able to see 20/80, and was declining rapidly. With the use of scleral lenses and incorporating Regener-Eyes in her treatment plan, she is now seeing 20/25, able to continue playing competitive sports, and has much less frequent flare-ups with her dry eyes. We rotate between the full strength version and the lite version, based on the time of year, allergies, etc. - all of which impact her flare ups. Her Doctor created a plan with her Regener-Eyes that works perfect for her - 1 drop in her contact lens before she puts them in each morning - and she has found so much relief. When we have run out in the past before re-ordering, her flare ups increase immediately with redness and swelling - so we certainly understand how this product plays a huge role in her treatment plan and her ongoing improvement.”

    Neena W.
  • “Regener-Eyes gave me almost immediate relief. I have tried numerous products, an AIP diet, various alternative and Western med. protocols to reduce autoimmune flares that impact my eyes but this product allows me to have near normalcy (in regards to dry eye relief)… I feel my eyes have progressively improved. This doesn’t just mask symptoms for me but improves what previously felt debilitating. I now also have days where I realize, I forgot to even use the drops! (Prior to this I was burning through no less than 20-30 applications of (a prescription drop) in a day, including waking multiple times at night.)”

    Robyn B.
  • “Having spent a small fortune on other products and procedures to relieve my dry eyes, I can firmly say this (Regener-Eyes Lite) is the only thing that has made a difference to my severe dry eyes. I am so committed to this product that I even got it delivered to the UK. I recently had a small break from using the drops and within a month or so my eyes went back to being really dry and gritty, proof – I feel that this actually works.”

    Tessa R.
  • “This product is amazing. I had Lasik gutters that were constantly chapped due to dry eye. I hated the membrane lenses that had to be used for the gutters to heal. Regener-Eyes Professional drops gives me immediate comfort without the membrane lenses. Thank you!”

    Regener-Eyes Professional Strength User
  • “Thank you for the opportunity to express my appreciation to Regener-Eyes, Professional Strength Solution. I have been using this product for about 2 years and it is the only dry eye solution that has been successful in (helping) my symptoms. I have had 4 corneal transplants and multiple eye surgeries so I am always looking for the best products on the market. Regener-Eyes has been that and more. I am so grateful to not have painful eyes anymore.”

    Beth O.
  • "I have been using Regener-Eyes Lite. Dr. Thimons suggested that I try the drops. Nothing seemed to ease the irritation in my eyes. I was on over the counter drops, doxycycline, and a solution from a company in CT that required the drops to be refrigerated that was a problem especially when traveling. Nothing worked. Regener-Eyes Lite has changed my life. I am very grateful for this product at such an affordable price. The staff is also wonderful. They are efficient and very personable. Thank you to all."

    Christine B.
1 of 9

  • “I can't recommend Regener-Eyes enough. About two years ago, I started being bothered by itchy, watery eyes. Several of my friends told me this was dry eye which made no sense. But, indeed it was. When I had my annual eye exam, my optometrist started me on (a prescription). I used this for months with no relief. He then started me on (a different prescription). Again there was no relief.

    When I saw him this past spring, there was still no improvement and he suggested Regener-Eyes. Within in the first week or two, I saw improvement in my symptoms. When I had my follow up, my optometrist saw significant improvement in my tear production and moisture in my eyes.

    I am very happy with Regener-Eyes and would highly recommend it.”

    Kathy L.
  • “Regener-Eyes Professional Strength has done wonders for my son Jack! For some reason Jack is very sensitive to (certain) eye drops that contain cyclosporine. After many attempts with numerous brands we finally hit the jackpot with Regener-Eyes! His eyes look and feel so much better! We thank Regener-Eyes so much for improving Jack’s quality of life!”

    Jamie E.
  • “I'm 84 years old, and I've been dealing with ocular herpes in both eyes for over 60 years. I've tried so many treatments - surgeries that changed the shape of my eye, medications, and drops - but they only gave me minimal relief. Then, for the past 3 years, I've been using serum tears to help with my dry eyes and eye herpes. But it wasn't until I added Regener-Eyes that my eyes finally started feeling so much better. Honestly, I'd call Regener-Eyes a miracle drug.”

    Beverly S.
  • “My eye doctor is very impressed with my results after using Regener-Eyes. I have an auto-immune disorder and one of the symptoms is dry eye. I haven’t needed to use steroid drops since starting Regener-Eyes.”

    Bonnie G.
  • “At my check-up this past week, my scan showed new brightness around my cornea. My eyes are comfortable and I have only had one experience of eyelid sticking to eyeball. I am very pleased with this progress in correcting my dry eye issues. I will continue using these drops as directed by my physician.”

    Sharon H.
  • “Hello, I have extreme dry eyes and was suffering for a long time. I’d tried all the OTC drops and then my Dr. put me in prescription drops but they didn’t help either.

    I saw another Dr. and she recommended I try Regener-Eyes Professional Strength.

    After a few weeks of using these my eyes felt so much better, not as irritated as before. I’ve been using them for about a year now and my eyes feel much better.

    I’m so grateful to Dr. A. Patel for recommending (that) I try these!”

    Bhavna P.
  • “I can sleep again! After many years of dry eyes from an auto-immune disease, trying all the OTC eye drops that my drug store carried, then prescription drops, hot eye packs, tear-duct plugs and even IPL (Intense Pulsed Light Therapy), I did not know where to turn since nothing really helped. Finally my eye doctor told me about Regener-Eyes LITE and it has made a world of difference. I had a follow up with my eye doctor and he reduced my application to just 2 drops per day after just one month at 4 drops per day. I am sleeping better after just one month!”

    Marcia S.
  • “I was referred to Regener-Eyes by my ophthalmologist after being diagnosed with dry eye syndrome. I used the drops 3-4 times each day, in addition to over-the-counter drops. After several months, I only use the Regener-Eyes 2-3 times daily. The drops continue to provide long-lasting relief from irritation, burning and inflammation. My account manager keeps in touch to check on my progress and if I need to get more product.

    Thank you for a great product!”

    Mary S.
  • “It has helped with the healing of my infected eye, and really helps with my dry eye problem.”

    Kevin G.
1 of 9

  • “I have suffered with extreme dry eyes for over 15 years. I have spent the first many years with dry eye specialists and trying every high-tech treatment and common remedies with sadly no results. My eyes are red and scratchy causing a sensitivity to light and blurred vision. Very difficult to live an active lifestyle with this going on. I was about to give up and just try to live with it when we moved and I started with a different physician who (recommended) Regener-Eyes. I use both Lite and Pro and have found so much relief that I feel like life is grand now!!! I so enjoy working with Jordan. She is professional, caring and friendly. What a great combination. I now carry on with healthy eyes.”

    Denise O.
  • “After (using) Professional Strength Regener-Eyes , numerous other treatment options for Keratitis, and NO contacts, my reward has arrived! I just had my yearly checkup, and my eyes are once again healthy enough to wear contacts ! Both my Doctor and I are thrilled with these results, and I appreciate the friendly manner I was always given by their employees. Thank you, Regener-Eyes, for giving me my independence back! ”

    Denise P.
  • “My ophthalmologist recommended this for my dry eye disease, I was at the point where I’d try anything. I initially tried the Pro version, I noticed improvement right away. However the bottles are very small and it doesn’t last long. Due to the cost I changed to the Lite Version which is cheaper. Although it doesn’t work as well as the Pro, it still works better than any other eyedrop I’ve ever tried, and I’ve tried them all. Occasionally they offer special pricing and I try to purchase then to save money. Even with the cost, these eyedrops truly help dry eye disease, mine is from Sjogren's and nothing else happened with me in the last 12 years. I even did IPL for dry eye, but 2-3 drops of these, helps give me precious relief.”

    Brie G.
  • "I have been using Regener-Eyes drops for a few years. When I started my eyes were very red & dry. Now I feel my corneas are much healthier. I started with the Pro formula and now am using the Lite version. The drops feel good in my eyes when applying because they are kept refrigerated. I am thankful my eye doctor recommended that I try Regener-Eyes."

    Carol K.
  • “I have had dry eyes for years and have tried all kinds of eye drops and medications. Nothing really seemed to work until my eye doctor recommended Regener-Eyes. Now, I only need to use eye drops twice a day instead of using eye drops multiple times a day. So nice. One of the best things about using these drops is the care I get from Jordan Seales. She is just a phone call or text away and she always responds quickly to my requests. This is a great company and one I would highly recommend to anyone with a dry eye problem. Thank you, Regener-Eyes!”

    Carol M.
  • “My eye doctor diagnosed me with dry eye disease about a year ago, and prescribed me with (a prescription) and preservative free eye drops. They did help, but nothing helped as much until I started using Regener-Eyes for about two months. What a difference it made!! I was no longer sensitive to light, and I could start wearing my contacts again for the first time in a year! Thank you Regener-Eyes!”

    Robert C.
  • “After experiencing severe dry eyes which was the result of chemotherapy side effects, it was suggested by my doctors that I begin using Regener-Eyes in addition to my other prescribed medication. Within days I began to notice improvement with my eyes. They were no longer feeling tired, no longer was I straining to keep my eyes open during my work day. My excessive extreme dry eye condition is something that I will have for the rest of my lifetime but having Regener-Eyes as a part of my daily medical routine makes life more livable."

    Carol K.
  • “Was using other eye drops for 20 yrs. I’ve been using Regener-Eyes Lite and these drops have been a game-changer. No more inflammation and significantly less burning. Worth every penny. Keep up the great work!!!”

    Laura C.
  • “I am a 77-year-old male. I have been using Regener-Eyes professional strength for the last two years, and it has made a substantial impact on the quality of my vision. I use it four times a day, and it immediately improves the quality of my vision. This has been an extremely impactful option for me and would recommend it to others in my situation.”

    Pat P.
1 of 9

  • “Thank you for such an amazing product!

    I have been struggling with extremely dry eyes for several years, and in the last year, it became debilitating. My doctor and I have been trying to determine the cause and how to fix it. As we worked through solutions and different options, he suggested your PRO strength product. I was skeptical at first. I wasn’t sure how another eye drop was going to help when all the others had failed.

    I was advised that it may take a month or more to start seeing results. I felt the results from the first drop! My eyes started healing, and I was relieved of the severe dry-eye discomfort. After a couple of weeks, my results have been even more amazing. My eye prescription is much better than what I needed before using the drops. I am not seeing double or experiencing blurriness. Objects appear clearer, both up close and far away.

    I look forward to using the PRO drops because each time, my eyes are soothed and feel better and better. At my last eye appointment, one eye had a complete reversal of where I was just three weeks ago. The other eye also had remarkable improvement and is no longer so severely dry and uncomfortable.

    So, thank you again for such an amazing product. I look forward to continued healing and clearer sight.”

    Kyle W.
  • “Probably five years ago I started to notice that my eyes were becoming more sensitive to bright sunlight. Then my eyes began to actually hurt when I was outside or driving when it was sunny. It kept getting worse until sitting in my living room near the window during the day was causing my eyes to hurt. I eventually began shutting the curtains during the day while I was watching TV because my eyes were hurting so bad. After mentioning to my optometrist over a couple of appointments that my eyes were extremely sensitive to light and hurting, he said it was caused by Dry Eye. He put temporary “plugs” in my tear ducts to keep my tears in my eyes longer hoping that that might help. It didn’t. He then suggested Regener-Eyes LITE. Once I started using the drops, my symptoms disappeared. I use the Regener-Eyes drops twice a day and no longer have any symptoms at all!”

    Karen C.
  • “I have been using Regener-Eyes for about 9 months now. My eyes used to be so dry and red that I was using over-the-counter lubricants daily for years to no help. My Optometrist suggested Regener-Eyes and I am so glad she did. This product really made a difference to the dryness of my eyes. My eyes did not bother me during the day like they used to. This product really made a difference. I would highly recommend this product to whoever has dry and red eyes. I will be using this product for a long time.”

  • “I’ve been using Regener-Eyes Lite for over 6 months now, and I don’t even feel my dry eyes anymore! At my 6 week follow up with my eye doctor, my dry eye test went from 2-3 seconds to almost 9 seconds. I am finally able to comfortably wear contacts for the first time in my life!”

    Sarah A.
  • “As a patient with a condition of extremely dry painful eyes, Regener-Eyes has been a true miracle for me. The improvement has been amazing. This treatment has made me feel like I can see and feel like a healthy normal person again.”

    Anne C.
  • “Regener-Eyes” has “Reenergized” my life! I was diagnosed with severe dry eyes over a decade ago. As time went on, day to day tasks and activities became more difficult. Working on the computer, driving any distance, and watching television were not without pain. I could not keep my eyes open in the evening due to the burning and stinging. I experienced reoccurring infections due to rubbing and bruising my eyes. I followed recommended treatments for dry eye relief with various eyes drops (prescription and over-the-count), lubricants, oral medications, heat application and finally plugs. When introduced to “Regener-Eyes”, I was skeptical after many years of little or no success for relief. The drops are soothing and welcoming. Realizing the fact that dry eyes are not curable, but with diligence and “Regener-Eyes” is manageable!”

    Patricia F.
  • “Regener-Eyes was (recommended) by my ophthalmologist & I have been using it for years now, with very good results & very good customer service received from Jordan at all times, Jordan has always been there to help & Regener-Eyes is an amazing product for dry eyes!”

    Yolanda G.
  • “I have always had dry eyes my whole life and it got worse when I received corneal graft years ago. This is the only thing that I have found that works with my dry eyes and gives me relief. I would certainly recommend this to other people.”

    Laura S.
  • “I started having severe dry eye symptoms around October 2020. The pain got so bad that I couldn’t sit outside in the evening and enjoy the sunsets; I could only stay inside with my eye closed. At one time, I was seeing five different doctors, and the only temporary relief from the pain was wearing a contact lens as a band-aid. I wasn’t able to read unless I used a magnifying glass, and I couldn’t get prescription glasses because the vision was changing all the time. I tried so many different moisturizing drops and a gel lubricant, but they didn’t give me relief. I was finally fortunate to be referred to Dr. Palmon in Ft. Myers. He said my cornea was extremely dry and pitted, so he tried several different things that didn’t work for me. He started me on Regener-Eyes last October, and my eyes started feeling better soon after that.

    I’m now able to go without using the contact lens and the moisturizing drops, and do not have any pain at all. I had an appointment with Dr. Palmon yesterday, and he’s very pleased with the condition of my cornea. He said that I can finish what I have left of my recent (bottle) of the Regener-Eyes and try going without it to see how I do. If I have any problems, then to go back to using it. He also said to use a moisturizing drop when not using Regener-Eyes. I feel like I have my life back, and it’s fantastic to have the pain gone! Jordan, at Regener-Eyes, has been a close contact for me since last October and has been extremely helpful whenever I’ve had a question.”

    Georgene P.
1 of 9

  • “For those who are skeptical about Regener-Eyes Lite. STOP! I was one. I’ve been suffering with dry eyes for over 10 years. I’ve tried every drop out there to mankind. My eyes always gritty, red and felt like my eye lids were sticky. About 3 years ago my doctor inserted permanent eye plugs. It gave me relief, but I still had this itchy feeling all the time. I even tried the nose spray. I’m not sure if it would have help. I didn’t stay on it for long because of the side effect of a sore throat. If you’re like me, I would get excited about the new treatment, but then get let down and get depressed because it didn’t work.

    Finally, one day my doctor told me about Regener-Eye Lite eye drops. I was very skeptical. I called my doctor immediately with my concerns. He assured me it was safe with no side effects. He also contacted someone from the company to explain everything to me. I was totally on broad after all of the reassuring. I’m so glad I made that step. For the DED first bottle, I was ordered to put 4 drops a day, second bottle was 3 times a day and the last bottle was twice a day. I went for my follow up with my doctor and he was pleased to let me know I had no dry spots on my eyes and no inflammation. I swear my eyes are white again. I was told to give this product for 4 months. I’m happy to say in 2 months I only use these drops twice a day.

    I finally feel like myself again. I was also not a good candidate for contacts at the time of my dry eyes. Well, guess what? I finally can wear contacts. This was a game changer for me. I’m super excited to continue on this journey. Hopefully I may come to a point where I only put one drop a day.”

    Cheryl D.
  • “My eyes do look better and feel better since I have been using Regener-Eyes eye drops. My eyes were really red and sore before to the point of feeling very acidic. Now they are no longer acidic. I will continue to use Regener-Eyes.”

    Barb B.
  • “I have Sjogren’s autoimmune disease which can cause extreme dry eyes. My ophthalmologist has tried so many different things and finally decided to try Regener-Eyes. We both could tell a difference. I am grateful and committed to continuing. The staff is very helpful and prompt with any needs that I have.”

    Harriett G.
  • “I was totally skeptical that Regener-Eyes Professional strength would work after lens replacement and being on 2 prescription eye drops twice per day for 2 years. I thought this was my “new normal” and still was not getting the relief that I needed.

    After the 1st week I was totally amazed at how much of a difference my eyes felt. The light sensitivity was getting under control and didn’t need the tears as much throughout the day. After 3 months and my eye appointment follow up even my Dr was amazed. I’m now going to the lite for maintenance and would like to thank the men and women who have all made this possible.

    The benefit outweighs the cost of not having the forever “new normal” of constant eyedrops.

    Thank you for the opportunity to have a normal eye health again.”

    Vicki D.
  • “As my mother grew older, I noticed that she was constantly putting drops in her eyes. I remember thinking that I hoped it didn’t happen to me, but much to my horror, it did as I got into my 70’s. I went to the eye Dr., and she recommended Regener-Eyes… I’ve been using it and almost never have any trouble anymore. I just saw her. for my yearly checkup about a month ago, and she was very pleased at how much my dry eyes had improved. This is a fabulous product, not available with the myriad other eye drops OTC. I probably will need it the rest of my life, but have to say, I’m very thankful for it.”

    Jan G.
  • “I have suffered with dry eyes with redness and irritation for many years, more like 2 decades. I was prescribed a medication and used it faithfully but on my biannual eye exams, my eyes still showed dryness and inflammation. Both conditions are very bothersome. I also suffer from meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) of both upper and lower eyelids. My eye care specialist recommended Regener-Eyes LITE drops and I have been a faithful user of these drops twice a day… It took some time but my eyes have much less irritation and redness and on exam, less inflammation… they have been an answer to my very dry eye condition. I will continue to use these twice as day as ordered and would recommend for anyone to try them. I want to add that for me there is no stinging or burning upon instillation of these drops, only a soothing feeling. Thank you Regener-Eyes for your great product.”

    Nancy M.
  • “My ophthalmologist recommended Regener-Eyes to me… I suffer from dry eyes and while treatments (compresses, eye washes, eye shades at night) were helpful, Regener-Eyes had the most positive impact by far. I started with the Pro version then transitioned to the Lite. Both are very effective in alleviating my dry eye symptoms and I now wake up with my eyes feeling so much better. Thank you for this life-changing product!”

    Erin M.
  • “My eyes used to be so dry and red that I was using over-the-counter lubricants daily for years to no avail. They seem to be getting worse and I refused to take oral prescription medication with tons of side effects and are extremely costly. My Ophthalmologist suggested Regener-Eyes and I am so glad he did. This product has really helped, and I have even forgotten about the daily discomfort that I used to have. Jordan, my patient specialist, has always responded quickly whenever I needed help or had a question. This company has great service, and I would recommend this product to anyone who is feeling the discomfort of dry eyes. Thank you, Regener-Eyes!!!”

    Cathy F.
  • “As a patient with a condition of extremely dry painful eyes, Regener-Eyes has been a true miracle for me. The improvement has been amazing. This treatment has made me feel like I can see and feel like a healthy normal person again.

    I began with dry eye syndrome right around the fall of 2019. I thought it might’ve been the new apartment that I moved into with pet dander or the heating system? I tried so many over the counter drops and even ointment to relieve the severe dryness, it was so bad that I would wake up twice a night just to add drops in my eyes. I went to see a specialist right around 2021 and they recommended that I go on (eye drops) prescription to help with inflammation and dryness. I took the prescription faithfully with two drops /twice a day for over a year or more. It really only made a slight difference. If anything, my eyes were mostly red and a little irritated most of the time. My eye specialist decided to try another solution and recommended Regener-Eyes Lite formula to try. I noticed that my eyes felt very comfortable and eliminated the stinging, burning redness. I’ve been using the formula for over a year now, and I’m very pleased with the results. My contact person for a re-order and any questions on the solution, Jordan, has been such a wonderful and informative representative that I fully trust.”

    David M.
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  • “My brother has had sight issues all originally stemming from a replacement lens, which was too large, for cataract surgery. Calcium buildup on the lens happened following insertion of treatment canisters to reduce pressure on his retina, then a calcium removal wash to clear the lens left him in severe pain with restricted vision in the eye. Pain closes up his pupil. Then came the herpetic (like shingles) virus which moved from one eye to the other. The virus came back four times in a year. Both eyes were now cloudy, or completely dark and very painful. He spent his days inside, windows covered listening to TV or music, any light was painful.

    His ophthalmologist read about Regener-Eyes and asked that I make a call. My brother has been using pressure drops, antibiotic drops, prednisone, antiviral pills, antiviral gels artificial tears, more things than I can keep up with for the past four years and tons of Tylenol and Tylenol 3 to suppress the pain. He is diabetic and extremely slow to heal.

    Our Regener-Eyes consultant is always there when I call for questions and Regener-Eyes is the only item that has given him real hope to see out of his remaining “good” eye. Our consultant told us because he is so slow to heal, it may take longer to see results. It did, but it has made a difference. Suddenly one morning no pain in that eye and more frequent intervals of sight in the eye, even color! He’s still extremely light sensitive but one morning it just finally begins to heal. We thank you Regener-Eyes! He’s not back to a normal life and feeling great yet, but now we have hope that he will and he also wants to use it in the eye that set him off on all of the issues! He’s that positive about Regener-Eyes.

    I wish all ophthalmologists knew about you and your product and would prescribe it because It works! He has used it less than a year, but he has been on all of those other drops/gels for two decades! The one thing he got for all those drops was rough, chapped eyeballs.”

    Anita B.
  • “I was skeptical as we had tried everything else in the last few years to heal dry eye disease. I was in pain frequently and was unable to read or even focus much of the time. The Regener-Eyes stung initially. I have started now on the third vial of drops and have been able to read a book. The pain is much less frequent, and the burning is reduced. I’m so much more comfortable and optimistic. Thank you for your help and encouragement. I feel I may see clearly again thanks to Regener-Eyes. Great stuff. Better already.”

    Linda R.
  • “I developed sudden chronic dry eye a year ago, and tried all kinds of things to help heal my eyes but Regener-Eyes® Lite was truly what changed the game for me. After a few weeks of using the drops, all of my dry eye symptoms disappeared. I was able to go back to wearing my contacts, and finally felt like my eyes were back to normal. Now a year later, I use the drops once a day, and have had zero dry eye flares or any other eye issues.”

  • “I have been using Regener-Eye® Ophthalmic solution for about 2 months and my eyes have never been better! I have suffered dry eye syndrome for years and tried all the remedies. Regener-Eye® works! I totally recommend it. I’m so happy that my doctor recommended it to me.”

    Eila R. 
  • “I am forever grateful for finally finding a product that actually works for me: Regener-Eyes! When I say that I have tried everything, that is not an exaggeration – (Prescription) Eye Drops, the list goes on and on. I’ve lost count at the number of products I’ve tried in the past. Regener-Eyes is the only product that I’ve truly noticed a difference and got actual relief from. Prior to Regener-Eyes, I was feeling like my condition was never going to improve and unsure of what my future held as it relates to my eyes. Regener-Eyes has improved my condition so much and has allowed me to get back to normal usage of my eyes. Incredible product! Thank you very much.”

    Paul J.
  • “20 years ago, I had radiation followed by multiple surgeries on both eyes after contracting Graves Disease. The treatments saved my eyesight, but I have been dealing with intractable dry eye ever since. With my specialist’s guidance many interventions have been tried. Regener-Eyes® has now provided several years of relief. I use the Pro drops in my driest eye and the Lite in the other. All other drops I have tried resulted in more irritation. I am so pleased that the Pro drops no longer have to be refrigerated. Carrying ice packs everywhere was difficult. Even though the drops no longer require refrigeration, I prefer my drops cold when I am home. After instilling the cold drops, which are extremely soothing on their own, I close my eyes and take 10 relaxing yoga breaths. A double boost to start my day.”

    Patricia A.
  • “I scratched my left eye with a plastic single-dose ampule while applying (name brand drops) for my dry eyes. By the time I saw my eye doctor on Monday, I had developed a serious infection in the eye. When I went back to work four months later, the eye had healed, but I was left with a scar directly over the pupil of my left eye. I had seen numerous eye specialists as well as my regular eye doctor; they prescribed various treatments and eye medications, but I was still left with the scar that severely distorted my vision.

    About a year after I scratched my eye, my wife researched online for treatments using stem cells, in particular for drops that could be used with the special hard contact lens doctors were trying on me. That’s how we discovered Regener-Eyes and Regener-Eyes Lite. I took the information to my regular eye doctor who agreed it was worth a try, and that the offer of three bottles of the LITE (or OTC) version was a good place to start. I started using them on 08-13-2022. We have varied the dosage and frequency over the months since, so I’ve just placed my third order of the LITE product… I have only wonderful things to say about this product.”

    James L.
  • “I have doctored for years for dry eye, and have used many medications prescribed by my Drs. For the last year I have used Regener-Eyes and have really noticed a difference in how my eyes feel. My eyes have felt relaxed, they are not burning, or red or hurting. Regener-Eyes has been a life saver. I have the strong strength and it serves me well.”

    Grace W.
  • “I am so happy with Regener-Eyes drops! I have been struggling with dry eye symptoms for over a year now and have tried many products without success. My corneas have been damaged. The Regener-Eyes Pro drops are the only thing I have used that is helping heal the corneas!”

    Mary E.
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  • “I experienced severe dry eye immediately following bilateral cataract surgery. I was told it was temporary and it was recommended that I use an OTC eye drop to address this issue. I tried multiple different brands of these OTC drops. Unfortunately, none of them helped my eye condition.

    I was then prescribed (other options), both of which did not provide relief. By now I was over 2 years post operative from the cataract surgery and there was very little if any improvement. As a last resort I was willing to try the Autologous Plasma Eye Drops. Around this same time my eye doctor had attended a conference where Regener-Eyes Lite were presented.

    He called me at home and felt that I would be a good candidate for this product. I agreed to try them hoping that they would be different from all the other eye drops I had tried. To my pleasant surprise Regener-Eyes Lite were the answer to my painful dry eye condition. They do not make my eyes blurry, no stinging, and improved eye sight without the dry eye. I can’t thank my eye doctor enough as well the Regener-Eyes Team for such a life changing product.”

    Kathryn M.
  • “Regener-Eyes® Lite has been life-changing for me – that’s no exaggeration. I have been dealing with severe dry eyes and inflammation for over five years (a combination of meibomian gland dysfunction and aqueous deficiency). I must have tried every drop on the market in Europe and North America, including Cyclosporine drops, to little or no avail. Other conventional and costly treatments (e.g., Omega 3 supplements, punctual cautery, using a sleeping mask, etc.) only made a minimal difference. As a result, my mental health severely declined, which only worsened the dryness and inflammation.

    Last year, my consultant suggested that I try a new product stocked in the clinic called Regener-Eyes ® Lite and I am so glad that I did. I started on four drops per day and have tapered to one or two per day, depending on how I feel. In my experience, Regener-Eyes ® is the only drop to give instant relief, but it has also helped me greatly in the longer term, especially in tackling inflammation and that awful “burning” sensation. I don’t need as many rewetting drops as I used to get through the day. Regener Eyes ® Lite has been worth every cent. I still live with severe dry eye disease (and likely always will), but my condition feels much more manageable. Please, please, never discontinue this product!”

    Claire M.
  • “For 10 years I have suffered with dry eyes. I have tried every known eye drops and applied moist heat to eyes 2x daily. Nothing has helped until I visited my new eye doctor in December of 2022. At that time, I was diagnosed with cataracts but was apprehensive as I was informed cataract surgery usually causes dry eyes which added to my concerns.

    My Dr. recommended Regener-Eyes before and after cataract surgery. I just completed cataract surgery on both eyes. Regener-Eyes has helped me heal faster and my dry eyes are almost completely free from irritation and scratchiness that I have endured for years.

    I have been on Regener-Eyes since December 2022 and will attest to how wonderful my eyes feel for the first time in many years. I felt a difference within the first two weeks. I could not be happier with the results.”

    Nicole C.
  • “I suffer with dry eyes and unfortunately have developed eye disease and complications as a result. As part of my therapy, I started using Regener-Eyes drops in both the LITE and PRO versions with noticeable improvement. Regener-Eyes has helped me to stabilize my conditions and keep my eyes feeling healthy and normal. Compared to other eye drop options Regener-Eyes does a better job at maintaining the overall health of my eyes.

    At this point I plan to keep using the LITE version for the foreseeable future. I am very thankful this product exists. Thank you, Regener-Eyes team, for all your support!”

    Roland M.
  • “I was having a hard time seeing with my left eye. It was blurred and cloudy. My Ophthalmologist after testing told me that I had a case of Shingles in that eye. He had me try different medication with no great improvements. He suggested Regener -Eyes Lite eye drops because it was stronger. My eye has been getting progressively clear with no cloudiness. I would recommend Regener-Eyes lite eye drops.”

    Bruce D.
  • “I have suffered from severe dry eye syndrome for many years, and it was affecting my everyday living. In the past I have tried numerous procedures, medications, and prescription eye drops with no success. A new Eye Doctor I visited suggested that I try Regener-Eyes Lite, and I have to say it has drastically improved my dry eye symptoms. I have less dryness, irritation, and pain. I can now wear eye makeup with no issues. I have been using these drops for approximately two years, and I highly recommend anyone with severe dry eye issues to try Regener-Eyes Lite. These drops have been life changing for me, and will continue to use them.”

    Marisa M.
  • “I had tried several different things for dry eye, working but could not be used long term. Then, my eye doctor, who does a lot of research before recommending something new, had me try Regener-Eyes. It has been the answer to my dry eye problem!“

    Ellen D.
  • “I have had a really good experience with Regener-Eyes, especially with Jordan, and my dry eye is getting a lot better. So, I want to say all the good things about Regener-Eyes and all the employees. I’m really thankful. Thank you so much for being there for me. I know I’ll be working with you guys for a long time.”

    Jung A.
  • “Day 4 (June 7-8) of using Regener-Eyes (during the dangerous air quality we have experienced where I live since June 6). I want to share yesterday, June 8. I had a tough day in my business with a no-show for our open… and we make the bread! Jumped out of bed and teeth brushing was all I could do. Forgot my drops. My journal for yesterday: Eye irritation has been escalated due to the air quality tanking. The drops are helping so much. Up over 400 ozone and particles. My right eye has never felt so awful; sandpaper, burning, pain tonight going to sleep. Missed the morning dose and had no other drops with me. I put drops in before sleep, a lot of burning at first. After 3 minutes with my eyes closed, every symptom was gone. Slept amazing! Thank you so much for Regener-Eyes. Back outside today with much better/safe air quality and eyes wide open without discomfort or pain.”

    Jill R.
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  • “I have seen a significant difference in my dry eye problem since using the Regener-Eyes Lite recommended by my eye doctor. He has noted that my dry eye has actually improved in his testing, which did not surprise me because my symptoms have definitely improved.

    The most significant difference I have noticed is that I am able to wear my contacts all day with no problem, even when I travel to Arizona. In the past, when I wore my contacts when traveling to Arizona, my contacts would literally dry out and become painful and literally fall out within about five minutes of getting off the plane. I would have to wear my glasses the entire time in Arizona because my dry eye would just prevent me from wearing contacts even for a few minutes. Covid prevented me from traveling there on business for a few years so when I traveled there again last year (after using the product for maybe a year), I was shocked that not only was I able to wear my contacts at all, I was actually able to wear them every day and all day the entire time I was there. I have traveled there numerous times in the past year and was able to wear my contacts with no problem, all day and every day of my trips while there. I wear my contacts all day every day with this product. I was not able to do that before I started it. I would be able to wear my contacts some days or for limited periods of time. Since I hate wearing glasses, the fact that I am basically able to almost never wear glasses with this product is a huge benefit to me.

    This product is great. Highly recommend.”

    Anne S.
  • “Regener-Eyes has been a blessing for me. In December of 2016, I was diagnosed with AML leukemia and admitted to UCLA. I was not having any dry eye issues until I had a bone marrow transplant in April of 2017. I was told that I was probably going to have to deal with Graft Versus Host Disease, which is very common with people that have had a bone marrow transplant. One of the very challenging symptoms of GVHD is severe dry eyes. I was treated for this condition at Jules Stein, which is the eye component of UCLA, and they highly recommended Regener-Eyes to help me obtain some relief. I was fitted with Scleral Lenses at Jules Stein. My biggest challenge is when I first wake up, my eyes are very light-sensitive, and when I put the drops in, I obtain substantial relief immediately, and I then proceed to put in my Scleral Lenses, which I wear until I am ready for bed. At that time, I take the lenses out and put in another drop of Regener-Eyes, which is very comforting. I do not know how I would function through the day without Regener-Eyes.”

    Stephen P.
  • “I have been using the Regener-Eyes LITE / PRO strength since August of 2021. After a couple of weeks, I noticed my dry eye symptoms improving. After six months, they were much better, and they continued to get gradually better. My eye doctor said that my meibomian glands were functioning better. Another advantage is that last fall, I had virtually no fall allergy symptoms after struggling for years.

    Now it is spring, and my spring allergies are a little better but still there. I will never be without these drops because they helped me go from daily gritty eyes and needing eye drops every two hours to not needing other eye drops hardly at all. I am very grateful for them. My eyes are still light-sensitive but less than before, and I have had cataract surgery since starting the drops.”

    Karen H.
  • “I have suffered with severe dry eye since I had Lasik surgery done about 7 years ago. I have tried all the prescription medications available, and they only irritate my eyes so much more. I’ve tried all the over-the-counter drops, ointments and gels. Only a few can I tolerate. Tried allergy drops and homeopathic drops. Didn’t help or was more irritating. The only relief I have gotten is with Regener-Eyes. It’s not gone but it is better for sure. I only wish I knew about this sooner. It would have saved me a lot of discomfort."

    Kelly G.
  • “I have Sjogren syndrome since 2018. With severe dry eyes, this is horrible. I have tried countless treatments. Different kinds of drops, I have used scleral lenses for almost two years. I can affirm that the only thing that has improved my dry eyes has been Regener-Eyes, nothing better. It’s a total change to my eyes. Thanks to Regener-Eyes.”

    Ludovina S.
  • “I have rheumatoid arthritis with severe dry eyes caused by my autoimmune disease. Regener-Eyes have helped me so very much. After being virtually housebound by my dry eyes, I now have my quality of life back. I use Regener-Eyes with vitamin supplements and serum eye drops ‘vampire drops’. I am so grateful for the medical advances which brought about Regener-Eyes."

    Wendy C.
  • “I had my eye doctor appointment this morning to check on my Autoimmune Sjogren’s syndrome. He found NO DRYNESS at all on both eyes today! The doctor was new to me because the younger doctor, who originally prescribed Regener-Eyes, moved away. This older doctor was so glad to hear my testimony. He is now going to add it to his regimen for other patients. Your product, Regener-Eyes is truly a healer. I use it at least 3 times a day, I feel it goes through my cornea and heals it. My eyes do not hurt anymore! I will not lose my corneas!

    I feel so grateful that my eye doctor knew about Regener-Eyes and prescribed it to me. We all need to spread the word about the success of Regener-Eyes. It is truly a Godsend and amazing. Please use my testimony to aid you in spreading the word. Please edit as needed.”

    Helene H.
  • “I’ve been dealing with severe dry eyes for 2 years and also inflammation in my eyes. I had to wear sunglasses from morning till I went to bed. I wasn’t able to tolerate air conditioning or heaters or even able to drive anymore. The simple tasks of life were difficult for me. My eye doctor recommended for me to try Regener-Eyes 4 times a day and I take the Lite formula. It has changed my life, I am driving again, and I only need to wear sunglasses when I’m outside. I have my life back.”

    Michelle K.
  • “I have been suffering from severe and painful dry eye syndrome for years. Eye doctors have prescribed many different eye drops and procedures with little success. Several months ago when visiting Dr. Wiggins at Two Rivers Eye, in New Braunfels, Texas, she mentioned Regener-Eyes LITE strength and wrote a prescription for these. To my surprise, shortly after the doctor visit my Account Manager, phoned me. His communication was gentle, clear and very thorough in explaining the product. {Account Manager} listened and answered all my questions about this new product. Even though, I was still a little hesitant because I’ve tried so many options that were pricey and with little to no improvement. I placed an order for 3 bottles and said that I’d follow up after my next visit with Dr. Wiggins. This morning, I had my follow up eye doctor appointment with Dr. Wiggins. She was delighted to share that the Regener-Eyes LITE strength eye drops have made a huge improvement with my severe dry eye syndrome. She observed excellent results! My severe dry eye syndrome used to cause my eyes to be very blood shot, swollen eye lids, deep burning sensations, and drainage. Today, my eyes are clear and I only need to add non preservative eye drops throughout the day on rare occasions. The Regner-Eyes LITE strength eye drops have been a life send for me. I was excited to connect with {Account Manager} this afternoon to set up auto shipments for the Regner-Eyes LITE strength eye drops.”

    Irene O.
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  • “I have been treated for dry eyes for several years. I have used a number of different prescription eyedrops during that time. Some have worked well for a period of time and others haven’t worked at all. I began using Regener-Eyes several months ago. I started with the Lite and found relief, but I was using them three to four times a day. I switched to the Pro three months ago and I find I no longer even think about my eyes! I use the Pro drops twice a day and my eyes never feel dry.

    All of the Regener-Eyes staff members I have had contact with have been extraordinary. They project an air of caring that communicates to me as a customer that I am more than just another sale to them. The staff’s expertise about the product is readily apparent. My questions are always answered and all explanations are easily understood. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

    Patricia C.
  • “I have been trying for over two years to treat my extreme dry eye condition. I’ve used various ointments, eye drops, and antibiotics, nothing worked, only worsened my eyes. I felt like I was going blind. It wasn’t until my Dr. Soma Agarwal prescribed Regener-Eyes that I was able to get results. It relieved the pain associated with my dry eyes, I was able to see better and get rid of lesions that had developed in both eyes. Thank you Regener-Eyes, I am so happy to have found your product.”

    Margean B.
  • “I suffer from extremely dry eyes. I’ve tried numerous over the counter drops as well as the prescription drops. The OTC drops gave little if no relief. The prescribed drops did the same and burned when I applied them. I dreaded using them. Finally, an ophthalmologist suggested I try Regener-Eyes. That was the best advice I received. My eyes feel so good after using the Professional Strength drops. I highly recommend Regener-Eyes to anyone suffering from dry eyes.”

    Carol D.
  • “My response to the product had been immediate and lasting. The Professional Strength is absolutely outstanding. Some weeks I just take two drops in each eye, and it lasts for several days. The Lite one I use as needed. Both products perforce as stated. I am a very happy client.”

    Earl L.
  • “After my Lasik I had scarring and damaged tissue in my cornea in both eyes which made for terrible dry eyes and blurred vision. I was putting in (prescription) eye drops 40 times a day just for relief. I was told about Regener-Eyes when I went for a second opinion. I was amazed at the results. Two drops a day and within a week I no longer had blurred vision and was down to five (prescription) drops a day. I’m not as tired as I used to be and not consumed with seeking relief all day long. This product has been a lifesaver. I truly have my life back. Thank you, Regener-Eyes.”

    Tanya O.
  • “I have had dry eye syndrome for many, many, years and tried just about every dry eye medication there is. I was even on those very expensive steroid drops and more frequent flare-ups resulted from it.

    A dry eye ‘specialist’ could not even help me. Regener-Eyes changed my quality of life and I am grateful every day for it. Thank you for this life-changing product! For me it was truly a miracle and I tell everyone about it!!

    Thank you, thank you!!!”

    Patty R.
  • “I am writing to tell you that I am so pleased with the results of Regener-Eyes. I have been suffering with dry eye and cornea damage since I went through cancer treatment in 2006. I have tried it all, both prescription and over the counter. Nothing actually improved my eye health until Regener-Eyes. The prescription drugs are very irritating and offered no signs of improvement. I have been told to keep using this class of drugs because it might prevent my eyes from getting worse, but that I might not actually see improvement. Within days of starting Regener-Eyes, I actually started feeling symptom relief. My ophthalmologist noted measurable improvement at my first visit after starting Regener-Eyes. Thank you for making this product available to us dry eye sufferers.”

    Miriam S.
  • “I have been using Regener-Eyes Lite for less than three months and it has drastically improved my dry eye! I am using them twice a day. My eyes no longer burn.”

    Bettye P.
  • “Regener-Eyes® has helped tremendously, to the extent that I am scheduled for cataract surgery in June and July. For some years this was not possible because of my extremely dry eyes. Thank you!”

    Lynette T.
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  • “Regener-Eyes Lite has changed my eye health!! I have extreme dry eye (due to Sjögren’s), plus Glaucoma. My Ophthalmologist suggested I try Regener-Eyes, telling me it was the strongest, purest, preservative free option I could use for my eyes. My eyes accepted the drops immediately with comfort! My eyes improved slowly over the next 6 weeks. Shortly thereafter, I was due for my visual field glaucoma test. I was shocked to be able to see the flashing dots throughout the entire test. My glaucoma Ophthalmologist came into the room with a questioning look on her face, telling me my test showed improvement!!! She didn’t understand why, and asked me what I was doing differently. The only thing that had changed was my taking the Regener-Eyes!! I can’t recommend your product enough!! Needless to say, my doctor has recommended I stay on Regener-Eyes Lite!!! Thank you for my improved eye dryness!! I am committed to such a helpful product!!”

    Judy S.
  • “As a “dry eye sufferer” for years, I have tried it ALL! Different eye drops, homeopathic treatments – you name it. It reached a point where wearing eye makeup was becoming very difficult as my eyes would tear making eyeliner virtually impossible.

    My eye doctor mentioned your company and your professional strength eye drops, so I thought “why not?” My doctor had me start with 4 drops a day and then down to 2 drops a day, and literally after 2 days of use, my eyes stopped tearing and eye liner is now a “thing” for me! They have also provided comfort which is a first. From a price perspective, l’m still paying less per month than the prescription eye drops and these ACTUALLY WORK.

    I have also found your staff very helpful, knowledgeable, and my orders are delivered within days of my call. As an easier method, I have opted for auto refills based on my usage so this couldn’t be more convenient.”

    Lorraine C.
  • “Regener-Eyes drops have been completely life-changing for me. I had such severe dry eye issues that I was not able to use any screens (computer or phone), nor could I read printed books, and I couldn’t go outside because of breezes causing discomfort. It was an incredibly isolating time.

    I was using serum tears multiple times a day, but they weren’t making enough of a difference, so I made the switch to Regener-Eyes on the advice of my optometrist. My eyes started feeling significantly better within 2-3 weeks, and they’ve continued to improve over the last several months. I can use computers again, read, and go for walks. I’m at the point where I’m able to switch to Lite with the Professional Strength just as a backup. Thanks to Regener-Eyes I have my life back and I’m so grateful!”

    Janine C.
  • “This product feels SO GOOD when it goes into my eyes twice a day. Very soothing! My eye Doctor is SO PLEASED with the improvement in both my eyes. I love it!”

    Karen B.
  • “I was amazed at how much better my eyes felt. They weren’t scratchy, they weren’t itchy. They felt really good, better than they had before. It really has helped me a lot and it is such a game changer for me. I was really excited that I found this product!”

    Laurie C.
  • “These drops have been a life/sanity saver for me. I have been suffering with dry eye since May 2020 and I’ve tried so many things.”

    Sherri S.
  • "I have just completed my first 3 months of Regener-Eyes and it is the most successful antidote to my dry eyes that I have ever tried. I have been treating dry eye for at least 5 years and used many brands recommended by my eye doctors during that time frame with minimal relief. I administered the drops at least 5 times per day. Finally, my optometrist, who also has very serious dry eyes, recommended Regener-Eyes. Not only does it relieve the basic pain I feel from dryness, Regener-Eyes makes it possible for me to use my prescribed drops without the usual pain I used to feel when administering those drops. And I use Regener-Eyes morning and bedtime, that is twice a day when I am in a normal climate. When I am in the desert I add a drop midday of a brand recommended by my doctor. Thanks Regener-Eyes for relief from eye pain."

    Professional Strength Patient
  • “I’m so glad that Regener-Eyes was there for me when I had a very challenging eye condition that no one seemed to figure out. This was the fix that I needed! I’m grateful for Regener-Eyes!”

    Lisa G.
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